About the Lab

Our research aims to shed insight into the different ways digital technologies are used in disasters and emergencies, the challenges and risks, and the benefits and opportunities associated with digital technology use. We seek to provide strategies for guidance, and support efficacy-focused, ethical, low-risk interventions around the world. Our research adopts systems and complex networked perspectives, where we create understanding through interconnectivity. We engage experts and organizations, both academic and practitioner, across disciplines to evolve research at the intersection of systems to enhance context-driven understanding.
Majority of Canadians not using COVID Alert app, study finds | CTV News
First Policy Response Opinion Editorial
Contact Us
Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research
Suite 2150, Dahdaleh Building, York University
88 The Pond Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3
Phone: +1 416-736-2100 x34447
Email: info@dghhlab.com
Follow Us: @DGHHLab